Person with Aphasia

This is a Finding Words story!

My husband is writing this. 9 years ago at age 27 I was a newly engaged professional actor visiting my fiance in New York. I suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm and massive stroke. I was in a coma and couldn’t breathe on my own. I continue to recover but am still unable to functionally read or write or use my right hand. I have a lot of trouble finding words when I speak. I attend speech and physical therapy, got my drivers license last year, and have been married for six years.


  1. I had a stroke 2.5 years ago …I am still struggling with not walking without a cane and using my right arm Any suggestions?

  2. Hi I am Lyn , a year ago my husband had a stroke .
    It was a clot and was so deverstated my world fell apart.
    We just got our new home and was beginning to enjoy life, going out and
    On cruises.
    Things are getting better with speech and Phisio but such a long job.
    He is walking around on his own with a stick although Phisio has him walking with out stick.
    She has his arm working down to wrist moving, and movement in fingers.
    Speech was slow but I can see some improvement, when not thinking about it it comes out fine it’s cofisation he struggles with.
    My worry is how much of him will I get back.
    I pray every day he comes back.
    It’s so lovely to hear how you come on over the years.
    My husband is 68 yrs so hope it happens sooner.
    Good luck to you.

  3. Hi Larry we have a wonderful Phisio girl who my husband goes to twice a week
    My advice is to find a good Phisio.
    With out her his arm will not be working.
    Sit and massarge your hand all the time, my husband has movement in his fingers now so it pays off.

  4. Hi Uma..I appreciate what you said especially walking walking without a cane ..and the hand responding to massage..that is great..problem is I feel guilty that my wife does all she can..which doesn’t feel right to see Ihave two hobbies No.1 is medicine,No2 is sports ..I can’t seem r
    O find a third…I an at a standstill .,,,,,

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