Person with Aphasia

This is a Finding Words story!

I had my stroke 1.5 years ago. My aphasia was particularly hard on me because I was a professor of mathematics and physics at a university before I had to retire. However I have learnt to explain my speech problem to everyone and ask that ‘bear with me’. I have been met with nothing but help, understanding and kindness. This has helped my speech and boosted my self-esteem immeasurably.


  1. I have experienced kindness but I wish a full receoverey tho I don’t so do you put up with regaining sell esteem My no.1 is practing medicine and no.2 is sports.. I am having a third.Plus I feel guilt that my wife does so much for me

  2. Hello Larry, like you I am also hoping for a full recovery – I am improving a little bit every day, but it is too slow! I was invited to give a lecture to a class of student nurses – Coping with stroke – it was GREAT! I spoke clearly and lucidly with no hesitation (I did have notes and I did rehearse). That was self-esteem personified, they asked intelligent questions and complimented my content and delivery! I think it is the fact that you can do it!! Feel empowered; I wish you a good recovery and the chance to share the successes with your wife.

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