Person with Aphasia

This is a Finding Words story!

I survivor 7 stroke/TIA mixes. August 2012 had 2 stroke in 2 weeks affect right carotid artery. I got mild Aphasia but no help that just physio for limbs. We living in France then husband help me and we work real hard and nearly get normal. August 2013 stroke #6. First time stroke affect right side. Great SLT for more Aphasia we work real hard but January 2014 another stroke mean worse Aphasia. Now life so hard. Lost names me and family hardest being lost names husband, he called man, and names grandchildren. Everyday we do quizzes, discuss. Husband try understand me when not able communicate. Find words difficult. Use pictures help. Shout in wind mean no one hear you. I not like go out meet people I scared. Confidence gone, I not who was, not who want be, hate self, but family accept me who am now. Why I not believe them?


  1. You hang in there. My sister has Aphasia also and although it is hard and extremely frustrating for all keep going! You are not the value of your speech that is just a mere spec of your worth. Keep strong I think you did marvelous relaying your story! #brave#dontgiveup#believeyourfamily 🙂

  2. Your family loves you more than you know. You have worth that is beyond measure. Though it is difficult for all involved keep trying. Even at night, try to talk, sing, say a word over and over, just keep trying.
    Its easy to walk away when things get hard, but its real love that makes us stay with our loved ones no matter how hard it gets.
    My husband had a massive stroke and has aphasia as well. I read everything I can on his condition and reach out to others for help. I am only 45 years old and didnt think I would lose my spouse in this way but it happened.
    Keep going, keep letting them love you. It wouldn’t be the same for them if you weren’t here.

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