Share Your Aphasia Story

Whether you are a person with aphasia, a caregiver, a Speech-Language Pathologist, or anyone else touched by aphasia, we want to hear your answer to, “what one word would you use to describe aphasia and why?” Please use the form below to submit your own story or submit the story of someone you admire (with their permission). We’re so excited to receive your stories and further spread awareness for aphasia!

  • This is the Title that will appear at the top of your story when viewed by others on the website.
  • Use this section to write about you, your experiences with aphasia, or your relationships with a caregiver, professional, or individual with aphasia. Limit your story to no more than 200 words.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.