Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy and Notice
Effective:  March 2024


This Notice of Privacy Practices describes how Lingraphica gathers and uses health information about our customers who use a Lingraphica speech-generating device, create a Lingraphica user account, or give payment or other information to Lingraphica. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) requires Lingraphica to protect and maintain the privacy of your health information, and to provide you with this notice of our legal duties and privacy practices regarding protected health information. Some states have more stringent regulations for uses and disclosures of PHI that may require your authorization.
Protected health information is any information in our records that holds your name or other data that is unique to you and could be used to identify you, including information that relates to your past, present, or future physical or mental health or condition. We collect information about you that may include your name, address, medical history, health information, and payment information. Lingraphica does not sell, rent, or loan any customer information. As customers are using their speech-generating device they can customize the device to their specific communication needs and interests; Lingraphica does not limit or restrict the information that customers can add to the device and does not consider this content to be protected health information.

      • We may collect information as you use the Lingraphica speech-generating device to improve your experience, to make recommendations to your Speech-Language Pathologist and communication partners about how to get the most out of your device, and to aid future development of Lingraphica products and services. When you have a permanent Lingraphica speech-generating device, your account will never be accessed by Lingraphica for any reason without your consent.
      • We are permitted, by law, to use and disclose health information about you for treatment, payment, and healthcare operations. We will disclose only the minimum amount of information necessary.
      • We may share your health information with a physician or other healthcare providers taking part in your healthcare, for example for the coordination of services.
      • We may disclose your health information to seek payment for services that we provide you, including billing and insurance claim management.
      • We may disclose your health information in connection with quality improvement activities.
      • We may share your health information with a friend or family member named by you. We will only share information we believe to be related to your health care.
      • We may disclose your health information when we must do so by law, for example for public health oversight activities and judicial proceedings.
      • We are required by law to tell you if unsecured health information is breached.

We will not use or disclose your health information for any reason other than those listed without your written permission, and you may reverse your consent at any time. You can request that we stop this data collection by contacting Product Support at 888-274-2742 or on our website at
You have the following rights about your health information:

      • You have the right to ask that your health information not be used or disclosed.
      • You have the right to review and amend your health information and receive information about how it has been used or disclosed.
      • You have the right to receive confidential communications from us about health matters in whatever way you prefer, for example text messages or email.
      • You have the right to complain to the Secretary of Health and Human Services and to Lingraphica if you think your privacy rights have been violated.

    Lingraphica follows this policy as it takes effect March 6, 2024, and it will remain in effect until we replace it. We have the right to change our privacy practices; if we do, we will notify you in writing of the changes. You may request a paper copy of this Notice of Privacy Practices at any time. For more information or copies of this Notice, please contact Lingraphica by calling 888-274-2742 or request the information on our website
    To request to view or make changes to your health information, or to report a concern about your privacy, please contact Lingraphica’s Compliance Manager by email at, by calling 609-269-2796, or visit No action will be taken against someone who reports a complaint.