Speech-Language Pathologist

I enjoy working with adults who have aphasia because each new patient is a puzzle requiring me to find the most efficient and effective method of communication, I love this about my job. It is as though SLP’s need to locate all of the pieces of a puzzle in the dark. First you start feeling around for the straight sides and build the frame, then fill in the center little by little. I love being the advocate for an individual, especially when they are finally able to express pain, concerns, or even joys. One example is a nurse who experienced a stroke and wanted to communicate to her husband that she had headaches and wanted pain medication. A second example is when a grandfather desired to ask his granddaughter’s about their day at school, even though he needed a speech generating device he was thrilled! A third example is when a patient wanted to ask his family what they wanted for Christmas and express to his family his holiday wishes. Empowering individuals is incredibly rewarding.