Person with Aphasia

In April 2005, I was given a chance to go to England to become a Master’s level Social Worker for the British Council. I was so excited to have the opportunity to live in the town, Plymouth.
However, Plymouth was cold and dreary. I was not happy in that area. So I did some research and found an opening in this town called Croydon. I applied for the Master’s level Social Worker position there and was accepted. This town was beautiful, and I was busy doing fun things and I enjoyed my job.
I met a young man, Ali, who worked at the library. We did some fun things like visiting the Buckingham Palace, music festivals, Big Ben, and the Tower of London.
A month later he saved my life.

October 20, 2005
Early in the morning, while ironing clothes preparing for work, I passed out and had a stroke. I laid on the floor for 17 hours. My friend Ali came to visit me from London, about 35 miles away. He knocked on the door but did not get an answer so he left. While he headed back to London, he was wondering where I was and why I did not come to the door. Ali called the police, and the ambulance took me to the May Day Healthcare Hospital.

I was placed on the stroke unit, and was given the very best care. I was released after three months.
Leaving London, Ali was very concerned about me, so he flew back to Las Vegas with my mom and me, at his own expense. Mom was so thankful.
The time in Las Vegas was okay, however, Mom could not find the care I needed. So we moved back to Houston, where I had a home, and I could get better medical care to help me improve.
I am thankful for Stephanie for referring us to the University of Houston Speech Center.
The speech center offered me the chance to work with graduate students, who are planning on becoming Speech Therapists.
And now I am here at The Houston Aphasia Recovery Center. This center is a wellness program for people with aphasia. At HARC, I still work with the students, volunteer, and participate in many of the programs. I enjoy writing and art most of all.

I have been on a long journey and I am still traveling down that road.


  1. I liked you r story. I am a social worker also, and have aphasia too. I admire your courage.

  2. nice story. you were a social worker what do you do now? i also have aphasia. i had my stroke 16 years ago. i was a travel agent for many years. my job allowed me to travel to many places around the world. your story inspired me. thank you for sharing!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your story, Cheryl. I have seen you at HARC many times, when I am taking or picking up my husband, Dan. But, I never knew the background of why you were there. Your story is amazing and inspiring.

  4. beautiful story my darling charles and my self we so prouf of you!!!!!!!MAY GOD BLESS YOU!!!!

  5. I’ve known Cheryl for about five years. When I first me her she was in a wheelchair
    full time. Since then she has gotten stronger and now walks beautifully and gets
    around her house without much difficulty. I’m not surprised, if you knew how positive
    and determined she is you would understand. I don’t think that the doctors
    originally thought she would be this successful – they didn’t know Cheryl.
    As you can see she is beautiful, in and out, and I’m happy to know her.

    Go Cheryl!

  6. Hi Cheryl, this is Rudy I’m so proud of you keep it up girl & keep up the good work,
    I will look you up next time I’m in Houston.
    love you .

  7. We are so proud of you and your strength thtese tough years .Enjoyed reading your update

  8. Cheryl,

    You continue to maintain your charm, your grace, intelligence and wit under the most difficult conditions and that is an inspiration to me. When I was a young girl, you were a role model for me, you set the bar high for achievement and I am so thankful that you are still in my world. Please keep writing and sharing your stories.

  9. I’m so proud of you for sharing your story and glad that you had a good friend like Ali,Keep that big smile in take it day by day.Love you in take care.

  10. Cheryl,
    I am so amazed at your strength and determination but not surprised knowing you and your Mom, Louise. Your journey will take you to new heights and I look forward to following your travel to recovery. Much love to you and your Mom.

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