Empowered through working with people with Aphasia

In my opinion, there are two approaches to aphasia therapy: treating the deficit and treating life participation. It is an absolute honor and pleasure to have the ability to work full-time at a University as a speech-language pathologist/clinical supervisor treating persons with aphasia and their families/caregivers, as well as supervising graduate students. I supervise CSD…

Aphasia is SEXY!!!!

A few years later, Avi traveled to Israel for two years to initiate studies in biology. While there, he also furthered his passion in emergency medicine by becoming certified as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). This choice was to dramatically shape his life later. Avi came back to the US to complete his Bachelor of…

I’m a Transient

Okay, my Aphasia is transient. I do not have aphasia all the time. I had a head injury years ago and the older I get, the more I have trouble speaking. I’m not sure what triggers it, but I’m thinking maybe tiredness or stress. Not having it all the time makes it hard to work…

Taking the Bulls by the Horns

This article originally appeared in Stroke Connection – American Stroke Association – Jan./Feb. 2004 Now 10 years later, I present a story about determination, willpower and a “can do” attitude for people who have aphasia. Anyone, my opinion, can achieve almost anything if you have a good attitude and persistence no matter what the circumstances. I hope…

“I think I’ll Go Vacuum the Lawn”

After a moderate traumatic brain injury in 2004, I lost most of the prior 2 years, and much of my speech… well, other than four letter words (A-YEP!). It took several years to not stammer, but I still would get simple tasks confused. The quote and title here is one that my eldest daughter found…

Stroke and Aphasia – Jonathan Nicol

Moderate receptive and severe expressive aphasia. Aphasia :- living 43 stroke and Aphasia. 2010 car. My Dad (85 yr), sister (55) Mother – 2011 . Cancer. Manchester – Law Leeds – Medicine 4 yr life wheel- site. Left unable to speak. “ To put ideas… thoughts… feelings in speech is so hard… frustrating. ” Jonathan…

Reconnection, Rediscovery, and Recovery

A former Physical Education and Health teacher, youth football coach, high school track meet official and Summer Recreation Director in Bergen County, New Jersey, Bill’s life was devoted to kids and sports. His life was turned upside down when he suffered a stroke at 50 and developed aphasia, the communication disorder that occurs in 25-40%…