Caregiver-Loved One

My story is short. I’m a recently titled “Caregiver” for my 87 yr. old father. He was just diagnosed this past week and realeased from the hospital. Although he lives on his own and a very active independent individual I’m his loving caregiver with many questions, need direction in going forward. I thank you for your site and the poster.

1 Comment

  1. My son was 50 when he had a massive stroke on the left side of his brain. It will be a year July 25, 2015. Not being able to communicate has been the hardest for us. It is starting to get better now. Finding help for him was also a problem because we live in a small town no one told us there was help for him. His insurance co. finally told us about a Center for Neuro Skills about 150 miles away and within two weeks he was there. he has only been there two months now but we can see progress. there is hope!

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