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AAC Systems

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) includes all of the ways we communicate with each other without talking. We all use different forms of AAC every day to communicate. You are using AAC when you use facial expressions or gestures instead of talking. You are using AAC when you write on a sticky note for a coworker. Not many of us think about how much we communicate without talking.

An AAC system is an integrated group of components used to enhance communication that can be low-tech or high-tech. When choosing an AAC system, you should incorporate the strengths and needs of the individual user.Low-tech options include the following:

  • communication boards/books
  • objects
  • pictures
  • photographs
  • visual schedules
  • writing

High-tech options include the following:

  • computers/tablets/smartphones
  • single-message devices and recordable/digitized devices

AAC Communication Boards

Beginning with a low-tech form of AAC allows for changes to vocabulary and mode of access as the individual’s language and physical needs change over time. As the individual’s needs change, they may need to advance from low-tech systems to high-tech systems.Lingraphica offers free communication boards with vocabulary focused on basic wants and needs as well as hospital and health-specific vocabulary to help you to explore the individual’s low-tech capabilities before advancing to our high-tech devices.

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