Receptive Aphasia

From across the room, the speech of someone with receptive aphasia might seem typical. People with receptive aphasia typically speak in long sentences, and speech comes easily. However, when you get closer, you will realize that the words they are saying do not make any sense – or might not even be real words.

Receptive aphasia is characterized by fluent speech that does not make sense. Receptive aphasia is also known as fluent aphasia and Wernicke’s aphasia. It is sometimes referred to as “word salad” because speech tends to include random words and phrases thrown together.

Receptive aphasia results from damage to Wernicke’s area of the brain. Wernicke’s area is a part of the brain that is responsible for language comprehension. It is typically found in the left hemisphere. Both the aphasia and the area of the brain are named after Carl Wernicke, a German physician who linked these characteristics with the specific area of the brain.

People with receptive aphasia often experience fewer physical limitations as a result of their stroke. Although this is beneficial, it also means that people with receptive aphasia often do not look like stroke survivors or people with disabilities. Because of this, receptive aphasia can be mistaken for intoxication or mental health issues.

A person with receptive aphasia is often unaware of their errors, and also has a comprehension impairment.

Characteristics of Receptive Aphasia

  • Speech is fluent with typical prosody and intonation
  • Speech does not make sense; the words do not make a coherent thought
  • Speech often includes neologisms, or invented words that have no meaning
  • Impairment with repeating words/phrases
  • Impairment understanding spoken language, often severe
  • Writing is impaired and output resembles spoken language
  • Reading comprehension is impaired
  • Most people with receptive aphasia are not aware of their errors

The Most Common Types of Aphasia

Anomic Aphasia

Broca’s Expressive Aphasia

Conduction Aphasia

Global Aphasia

Primary Progressive Aphasia

Mixed Transcortical Aphasia

Transcortical Motor Aphasia

Transcortical Sensory Aphasia

Wernicke’s Aphasia

Learn More About Aphasia

What is Aphasia?

What Are the Types of Aphasia?

How Common is Aphasia?

What Are Symptoms of Aphasia?

What Causes Aphasia?

How is Aphasia Diagnosed?

Can Aphasia
Be Prevented?

Can You Recover From Aphasia?

What Are Treatments for Aphasia?

Conditions Related to Aphasia