Person with Aphasia

After a moderate traumatic brain injury in 2004, I lost most of the prior 2 years, and much of my speech… well, other than four letter words (A-YEP!). It took several years to not stammer, but I still would get simple tasks confused. The quote and title here is one that my eldest daughter found the best to explain her crazy and silly ‘ma’ to friends… She always knew I was a little weird. My brain injury just really brought it home.

You see, while I had a 15 yr old at home at the time of the accident, I also had an older daughter, who lived across the country… Her help each day kept me going… As she would open up the business she was working at, she would call me each day-and TALK to me. What a joy, and what a help it was to me. I wish I could explain just how much that helped me. It was simple and easy, and consistent. Since I had very little in the way of therapy–and was isolated out in the country, the consistency of these calls helped me to regain my thought processes. And it gave me a reason to get up in the morning.

Today I am facilitating a growing TBI group. I work a couple of days a week, and the family has increased by several in-laws and 6 grandkids. I can read again, and I talk all the time-even though I still get things confused. 🙂