My Life With Aphasia

I developed Aphasia following a traumatic brain injury that resulted from a very heavy iron coat rack slamming into the top of my head in March 2019. I struggle to find the right words or using them correctly. I try not to let it bother me as much as it first did. I just breathe…

My Second Chance Litterally

I had my stroke 08/19/2020 when COVID some what started. I was at work in a hospital room and out of no where the complete right side of my body went limp. I collapsed on the floor, crawled toward the hallway and yelled help. From that point on I went into it a coma and…

My Stroke Story – I have aphasia

I have aphasia following a stroke in September 2022. I’d never heard of aphasia before. I was unable to talk. The hospital was busy and the communication team provided me with little speech and language therapy. After 4 weeks, I moved to a rehab unit, where there was treatment a few days a week. This…