My Aphasia Story

It was 3 years ago (July 2020). I was on a bicycle for a ride. It was warm out. It was just a normal day. And then I fell. I fell hard. And I knew nothing more. I woke up after a month in a coma in the hospital. I couldn’t speak at all. I…

My Aphasia Story

I was first diagnosed with PPA in 2019. I got a second opinion in 2021 because I had gotten worse and my language and handwriting had gotten worse. I told my sons and family, because Juli, my speech language, pathologist, said family can help! She met with my sons and me through zoom and taught…

The sound of silence is deafening

0n Jan 16, 2023, my husband suffered a cryptogenic large vessel stroke. He is learning to live with multiple challenges, the largest being aphasia. In his eyes I can see the wheels spinning and the lights are on but there is no two way traffic. I spend 75% of my time guessing what he wants…

My Life With Aphasia

I developed Aphasia following a traumatic brain injury that resulted from a very heavy iron coat rack slamming into the top of my head in March 2019. I struggle to find the right words or using them correctly. I try not to let it bother me as much as it first did. I just breathe…

My Second Chance Litterally

I had my stroke 08/19/2020 when COVID some what started. I was at work in a hospital room and out of no where the complete right side of my body went limp. I collapsed on the floor, crawled toward the hallway and yelled help. From that point on I went into it a coma and…

My Stroke Story – I have aphasia

I have aphasia following a stroke in September 2022. I’d never heard of aphasia before. I was unable to talk. The hospital was busy and the communication team provided me with little speech and language therapy. After 4 weeks, I moved to a rehab unit, where there was treatment a few days a week. This…