70% and Still Improving

Originally after my stroke, I couldn’t say anything or do much at all. I remember I couldn’t write in full sentences, just bullets. However, even 10 years after my stroke I met two very influential Speech Language Pathologists from Boston. I began working with them and my skills improved so much more and they continue…

Loyola Clinical Centers

People with aphasia who attend group treatment at the Loyola Clinical Centers in Baltimore and Columbia, Maryland shared their thoughts during Aphasia Awareness Month: Difficult – “Aphasia is difficult. It is hard for me to talk. I cannot say things I want to say. It is difficult when my wife is talking. Sometimes she writes…

Rick’s Story – Wife’s Perspective

This is a Finding Words story! The following is Rick’s more detailed story, written by his wife Stephanie: It was Sunday of Thanksgiving Weekend, and I was raking leaves with my son, Jason, when I starting having a massive headache…. like no headache I ever had before.   My wife called 911 and I went to…

Stay Positive

This is a Finding Words story! I had an aneurysm on November 10, 2013 and 3 strokes while in the hospital. It affected my speech and my left arm. I was 40 with 2 boys. I was in a coma for 3 months and did rehab for 3 months. I had to learn how to…