Me and My Aphasia

The first time Aphasia came to my life in didn’t no what it caled, I had just had my 4th and 5th strokes in 2 weeks August 2012. We living in France and I went to GP after 1st the 2 strokes and she not bothered by my talk. To weeks later I not able…

You don’t need words to communicate love!

I was a CNA working my way through nursing school and did home care with Russ. Russ had a major stroke that left him with some expressive aphasia. When we first met her would have difficulty getting his thoughts into words. Over the two years we were together he continued to have smaller strokes, and…

Redefining Ed.

Ed’s life was all about sports. From seeing his first World Series in elementary school to playing basketball, soccer, running track, and skiing through high school, his love of all things sports took a hold of him at an early age. Ed was captain of his high school’s varsity soccer team for two years and…