Taking the Bulls by the Horns

This article originally appeared in Stroke Connection – American Stroke Association – Jan./Feb. 2004 Now 10 years later, I present a story about determination, willpower and a “can do” attitude for people who have aphasia. Anyone, my opinion, can achieve almost anything if you have a good attitude and persistence no matter what the circumstances. I hope…

“I think I’ll Go Vacuum the Lawn”

After a moderate traumatic brain injury in 2004, I lost most of the prior 2 years, and much of my speech… well, other than four letter words (A-YEP!). It took several years to not stammer, but I still would get simple tasks confused. The quote and title here is one that my eldest daughter found…

A Caregivers tale

Hello everybody my name is Jerry and I am a caregiver to my loved one Suzanne. Suzanne had a massive stroke a little over 13 years ago and was given 3- 6 months to live! I am so glad she proved the doctors wrong. Suzanne is quite a special lady and is such a caring…