The game of Charades

My husband had a stoke just over 3 years ago and we have been living with aphasia ever since. At times aphasia feels like the 3rd person in our marriage. My husband has come along way with the help of many including the stroke comeback center. As a caregiver I hav come a long way…

Empowering to communicate

I enjoy working with adults who have aphasia because each new patient is a puzzle requiring me to find the most efficient and effective method of communication, I love this about my job. It is as though SLP’s need to locate all of the pieces of a puzzle in the dark. First you start feeling…

my new life with aphasia

This is my new life with Aphasia ​ ​This is my new life with aphasia. My hemorrhagic stroke happened on May 19th 2011. I am now 54. How amazing it is. Before when this happened I could not read, write or speak very well. ​My life has changed now after 3 years I am doing…

Aphasia can’t…

I wasn’t quite sure what to check to describe my connection to aphasia…I’m a speech-language pathologist (SLP), a caregiver, and a loved one connected to aphasia. In my 25+ years of being an SLP, I’ve known many persons affected by aphasia, but my career, nor my education, prepared me for the heartbreak of seeing my…

Finding Meaning Again

There are endless reasons why being a speech-language pathologist is a rewarding career. In fact, there are far too many to name. But perhaps the biggest reward is when you are able to give a person, regardless of their age or diagnosis, a “voice.” Last fall, while supervising our Aphasia Group at our local university,…

Outrageous for Aphasia

I’m Denise and I have aphasia. I attend the Adler Aphasia Center in New Jersey. I decided that we need more activities, so we started the club Outrageous for Aphasia. We take day trips and have also gone to see a play. We are going to be going on a classic train in July and…

Working with stroke survivors

In 2005, I found myself working with several stroke survivors as a Speech Language Pathologist. One stroke survivor in particular would frequently ask the questions “Am I the only one with these problems?”, “why did this happen?”, and “how did this happen?”. After providing much education and counseling, I realized the best way to get…

Continuing to Learn

I am Alex and I am aphasic. I was the Director of Environmental Health for Cochise County, in southern Arizona. I want to talk about aphasia and continuing to try and learn. I attend the Aphasia Center of Tucson. My favorite time is 12:00 to 12:30. We take turns giving presentations. My presentations so far…


FIRE DREAMS Voices for Adventurer, Architect and Aphasiac I have aphasia since 2006. I know it is ironic that my lack of language inspired my story. You do not want a good architect to divide his/her architecture and writing. I crave and craft every creation in a different way, but in way same way too.…

My Stroke Story

Dec. 6 1998 I went out blowing leaves and I had my stroke. I was standing up on a contraption that pushed leaves in a pile. The stroke felt like a dream. I don’t know how long I stood there. My daughter, Devon, came out to talk to me. I thought I was speaking clearly…